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At Barking Dog Communications, LLC we know the importance of having a reliable business phone system. That is why we take the time to understand your needs for such an integral part of your company’s IT infrastructure.
From small to medium-sized business or companies that employ hundreds of people, we can help your company obtain efficient, reliable, and affordable business phone systems that meet the unique demands of your industry.
At Barking Dog Communications, LLC we deliver the best of VoIP.  Our business Voice over IP services are tailored to your office needs. We will manage every aspect of your system from installation to selecting your service. As your VoIP equipment provider, you have only one point of contact for all of your system needs.
VoIP is the future of voice communication, and you have access to it now! By switching your business phone system over to VoIP, you could:
Save thousands of dollars a year
Enable your employees to maximize their work time
Find solutions to many of your voice communication problems
Barking Dog Communications, LLC can provide all of your company’s VoIP telephones and equipment in addition to helping select Voice over IP phone service.